Andrzej Haladuda, Chat noir (Black cat), 1999


Andrzej Haladuda, Chat noir (Black cat), 1999

From the « Motifs parisiens » (Parisians Patterns) series from the monography « Les Apparences » (The Appearances).

Digital photography, Archival Inkjet, no 3/30, print realized by the author, NYC, 2012, 55 x 35 cm (framed 70 x 50 cm).

Photographs of the “Parisians Patterns” cycle were realized between 1999 and 2002. The project received the support of the Paris Mayor, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the French Institute of Warsaw. In 2002, the exhibition was presented at the National Museum in Warsaw, in 2011, at the Soho Photo Gallery in New York, and in 2012, a part of it was exhibited in Paris, at Gallery Roi Doré.
The exhibition “Parisians Patterns” consists of 24 color and black and white photographs. They are part of the great monograph “The Appearances” dedicated to the culture and Parisian civilization.

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